Dr. Kuo's Column

  • 從6度打進總決賽屢戰屢敗,到睽違11年再度奪冠!中信兄弟隊給企業的管理啟示

    從6度打進總決賽屢戰屢敗,到睽違11年再度奪冠!中信兄弟隊給企業的管理啟示...... Read more

  • Taiwan plunges to 7th place in Bloomberg's ranking of epidemic prevention!

    Bloomberg has recently released the latest epidemic prevention results of various countries. I thought Taiwan should not be ranked badly because of its zero domestic growth and excellent economic performance in the past few days. Bloomberg has been releasing monthly global epidemic prevention rankings since November last year, and Taiwan was once ranked 2nd, but its overall ranking was only 31st a year later.... Read more

  • 《彭博》防疫排名,台灣暴跌倒數第7!崇越董座:唯有開放,才能結交更多國際朋友

    《彭博》防疫排名,台灣暴跌倒數第7!崇越董座:唯有開放,才能結交更多國際朋友...... Read more

  • 日本人來台要隔離14天,我們過去日本卻想只隔離3天?致台灣人:請別再當溫室裡的巨嬰

    教企業轉型的MBA教授或企業講師,都喜歡提諾基亞(NOKIA)的案例。在還沒有智慧型手機的年代,嚴格說來,是在蘋果iPhone問世以前的世界,是諾基亞引領風騷的黃金時代。2007年iPhone落地、三星等大廠接著推出安卓系統的智慧型手機;唯獨諾基亞,仍舊兢兢業業地固守功能性手機的城池。... Read more

  • 日本人來台要隔離14天,我們過去日本卻想只隔離3天?致台灣人:請別再當溫室裡的巨嬰

    日本人來台要隔離14天,我們過去日本卻想只隔離3天?致台灣人:請別再當溫室裡的巨嬰...... Read more